
Showing posts from July, 2019

Blind River Paddle Night - August 1st

August 1 PADDLE NIGHT on the Blind River  Contact trip leader, Ray, if you plan to attend - Appropriate Type of Boat : Canoe, Touring Kayak, Recreational Kayak, Stand Up Paddleboard  Meeting Location: 6:30 pm at W.C. Eaket near the boat launch to coordinate vehicle shuttle. From there we will travel to our departure location up hwy 557 past bridge over the Blind River turning right on Maxs Rd (Mississauga First Nations Traditional Grounds aka pow wow ground) Trip Info: A gentle paddle (about 1.5 hour) down the river to high school boat launch.  See a variety of flora, birds and wildlife as we negotiate our way through the blind river waterway Level of Difficulty :Easy, may encounter wind/waves on larger, wider sections of the river.

Bright Lake Paddle Night

12 club members met for a potluck, hopped in for a 7 km paddle around the western section of Bright Lake to wear off supper while learning some interesting local history. Thanks to the potluck hosts Joanne & Mike.  Our take off point with plenty of room for parking was provided by the Chalifouxs.