All Hands on Deck - Help Needed with the Montreal Canoes!
After a great last meeting, it's time to rouse the Montreal Canoes from winter hibernation in the round barn at Sowerby! We have two dates that we are looking for volunteers.
Wednesday, May 1st: Repair work
Some sanding (extra hands help), and woodworking / fibreglassing / varnishing needed.
Contact Gary Smith, our Equipment Director at or Wally at if you can help at the Round Barn in Sowerby on Wednesday (and possibly Thursday if it takes two days).
Saturday, May 4th: Moving the canoes
We are looking for assistance to move the 3 Montreal canoes that are stored in the 12 sided barn and will be meeting at Tim Horton’s parking lot for 2:00 on May 4th and at the Round Barn in Sowerby around 2:45pm . We will need at least 12 or more people to move the canoes onto the trailers. Again, contact Gary or Wally so we can know that we have enough people.
we can get lots of people together for a great time once again as we go
through the tasks that keep these wonderful vessels helpful in our